01. Students will strictly comply with the rules and regulations of the college issued from time to time relating to their studies, examination conduct and discipline.
02. The students who secure admission on the basis of false certificates/marks sheet or on the basis of any misrepresentation of facts or illegal means shall be summarily cancelled and all fees paid by him/her shall be forfeited. Legal action shall also be taken against them.
03. Candidates are required to enclose along with their application and affidavit before a Notary Public that all information given by them are true.
04. Application accompanied with requisite documents/enclosures received after the last date shall be summarily rejected.
05. No refund of fees will be made on withdrawal of admission under any circumstances.
06. In case the candidate fails to submit the required documents admission shall be treated as cancelled and no request for refund of fees will be entertained under any circumstances.
07. If the applicant is employed, employers no objection certificate with proof of two year must be submitted at the time of admission.